Is a program that educates children and their families about healthy lifestyles and provides the support and tools they need to make healthy lifestyle changes. The goal of Healthy Futures is to build healthy, diabetes-free futures for our children. The number of children with type 2 diabetes is increasing. Being overweight and inactive are risk factors for type 2 diabetes. Risk factors we can change!
Benefits of Our Program
- Physician visit to evaluate risk factors and develop a plan for diabetes prevention and health improvement
- Meet with our Community Dietitian for nutrition and healthy lifestyle eductation
- Cooking classes, nutrition activities, and physical activity opportunities throughout the year
- The Joslin Vision Network Teleophthalmology Program which provides patients with diabetes a noninvasive screening for diabetic retinopathy
- Our Healthy Futures Camp provides a unique opportunity to help jump start a healthier future through a traditional summer camp experience
- Gain access to our fitness facility with indoor walking path & workout equipment and summer rentals that include bikes, paddle boards, and kayaks